Just skimmed through your blog and perceived you have quite some creativity, imagination and expression! Two photographs (The shadow and Reflection) are really to my senses. Well..if you are open for some criticism on your writing, I can give some good inputs;so you make your blog more readable with some style. Back to Orchids,I sniff them again now and recollect my Keukenhoff visit in Netherlands. I do remember..was writing some poetry on every beautiful flower that attracted me. They must be lying somewhere in my laptop. You inspire me to blog!
Thank you every one you all encourage me so much! Thank you Praveen. I am open for all the criticism.I belive that it will make my blog better! This is a really good platform...so start right away!!
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 6 ; the sixth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton . Note- All the characters in this story are fictitious. I have used the names of the fellow bloggers just for fun. No offence meant! When I started my computer I was shocked to see this image on my screen... What does it mean? This is so typical of Vipul ! He always does that. Some code or the other to decode for everyone else...He so much enjoys pulling legs of others on top of it... But this time he had overdone it! Ok. I am on it! I have to do it before anyone else this time. I was concentrating very hard on it when the phone rang. I didn't hear the noise first then I didn't recognise it. But my brain came to its normal sharpness after a while. I have to answer the phone right now! This has to wait for a bit then... Vipul.!.. Again so much like him. Disturbi...
This post has been published by me on the occasion of the Teachers' Day as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 2; the second edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton . Hi friends, I am time...I flow continuously. I have witnessed so many things! But I am helpless. No one had been ever so helpless than me! I have to see everything... I can't change things, I can't stop things, I can't alter things. I just have to watch them as they happen! But now I feel I have to do something! So I am here today to discuss , share things with you . Why today? Today you are celebrating a teacher's day. Teachers are supposed to shape minds of the new generation. So if I have some expectation of change what will be a more suitable day than this day? With great powers comes great responsibility. Teachers have great power over the minds of the children. They get the respect in the minds of students...
I had received the award from Shilpa ( http://shilpaagarg.blogspot.com/ ) Thanks Shilpa!! It is called as:- The rules and regulations are as follows... “Honest Scrap” Award, is given by bloggers to other bloggers who express themselves and write/blog from their heart & soul. List 10 honest things about yourself — and make them interesting, even if you have to dig deep! Pass the award on to 7 bloggers who you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap and whose blogs you find brilliant in design and content. So now I have to write 10 Honest things about me and I have to make them Interesting as well. How is it possible? See if all producers and directors made an honest movie , what will they be showing? If every writer started writing an honest book, what will they write about?( Can you see how naive I can be sometimes?!) OK. Yes I agree some people have such a life that if they start writing honest things people will be more than interested. But what can a simple middle class (ok....
Wow! so beautiful
Just skimmed through your blog and perceived you have quite some creativity, imagination and expression! Two photographs (The shadow and Reflection) are really to my senses. Well..if you are open for some criticism on your writing, I can give some good inputs;so you make your blog more readable with some style. Back to Orchids,I sniff them again now and recollect my Keukenhoff visit in Netherlands. I do remember..was writing some poetry on every beautiful flower that attracted me. They must be lying somewhere in my laptop. You inspire me to blog!
Best Regards,
thnx for visitin my space n following it:) m glad!!!
Thank you Praveen. I am open for all the criticism.I belive that it will make my blog better! This is a really good platform...so start right away!!