1ST 55 Fiction

55 Fiction is a form of micro-fiction that refers to the works of fiction limited to a maximum of fifty-five words.

This is my first try to write this micro-fiction.
"You are quiet and tired. What are you up to?"He asked. She has no way out.He knew! "Following you."She confessed. Knowing silence followed..."I don't like you following, making contact with that beautiful girl."
"Why?" He asked making her speechless. "You have changed! From friend to lover.."
Oh..Has she?Changed?!


Siddhesh Kabe said…
oh...quite a normal conversation...welcome to the fiction-55 club btw...;)
Naina said…
very well attempted there.. :D
Melissa said…
Wow, that speaks volumes! Since I can't read Marathi, I was hoping that you would post some writings in English here! Hope to read more 55 fiction from you!
Indian Pundit said…
Good one.

Just like Sid said, welcome to 55 fiction club.

pawan said…
A first touch with 55 fiction!
Good attempt there, looking for the future versions!
Prashansa said…
Thanks everyone...You all are very encouraging!
Welcome Melissa to"A Simple Story"! I will try and write more in English...Writing Marathi with english keyboard is turning out to be very hard anyway!!
Interesting and different this flowers!
Thanks for posting for TODAY'S FLOWERS!

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