CELEBRATING '25'th post!!

I was reading all my usual blogs yesterday. I came across the post where one of my friend was celebrating her 75Th post. I was so full of admiration for her... It always amazed me how easily people write and they have so much to write and share.It is not easy to maintain a blog with regular posts.Writing a post a day is like a dream to me.It is not only sharing your thoughts you have to visit other blogs write comments on them. You have to write a post witch will be entertaining and attract other people's attention! I think that is the hardest part!!

When I start my P.C.I always decide to write a post.But after signing in I start reading the blogs first. I couldn't stop reading. For hours I read and read and read...Then no time is left to write. I have so many things to write about that I get confused and don't write at all!I think...that's me...always confused about everything! But that is not today's topic!

So after seeing that post I decided to see the number of posts I have written and I was in for a great surprise.... I have completed writing 25 posts. This is my 27Th post! Can you believe it? I can't believe it!! So..really IT IS A TIME FOR CELEBRATIONS!!Hurray...
I have already come across some other celebrations like birthday of a blog but I was very dormant at first.I was learning to use computers as well as I was trying to improve my English to write a proper blog. So I was very irregular blogger that time so there was no point in celebrating birthdays. I like this idea better! So today I am celebrating my crossing 25 posts...
I have learned many things while writing these posts.Thanks to all the followers for their unconditional and precious support!!


CrazyCris said…

Yeah, I totally understand you when you talk about sitting down to write about something, then finding yourself distracted by reading other blogs... and then waking up from the blogosphere hours later to find you don't have any time left to write your own post!

In any case, it's not quantity that counts it's quality! So keep 'em coming nice and easy and just enjoy yourself!

Shilpa Garg said…
Congratulations on your first milestone achievement!!
And wishing you loads of success as a blogger!!
Prashansa said…
Thank you Cris and Shilpa! Love you for your support!
Anonymous said…
Hey Congrats!! It surely calls for a celebration! :)
Prashansa said…
Thanks a lot Amrit!

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