Star Trek

The list of movies I really like to see is increasing.I want to see Angels and Damons, Star Trek ,Wolverine etc. (Before this movie I have to see all the other X-men movies I guess!) But as I am trying to find time to see them I am very much lost in the memories of classic star trek series I used to see. That was the first ever series I watched on the idiot box. It used to come every sunday morning. Days of daily soaps had not then started... I was in school. My English was not good enough. (It is still not good enough but it is better than that now!!) But still I used to watct it. (It was more for a show off that I watch English serials and I understand it !!) It was my first sci-fi experience in life. I am very sad because it took almost 14 years of my life to get that experiance! But I am happy for my daughter as she got that experiance very early in her life and at 11 she knows almost everything. From time machine to space-ship and aliens as well.
I am thankful to myself for faithfully watching the Star Trek series as it has given me the love for physics. It has given me the love for sci-fie stories. It has developed a courage in me to see and read new things even if at times I don't understand them fully.
I liked the characters Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock the best. Now their sons are there in this new Star Trek movie so I don't want to miss it. I tried to watch the other seasons of Star Trek but I didn't like any of them! I think I never got emotionally attached to it. To like anything it should emotionally capture you. Only great knowledge or theories are not enough. And only emotions are boring.. So it should be combination of all of it with logic and no non-sense.That is what works for me. So I am the fan of classic Star trek serial.


CrazyCris said…
As a classic Trek fan I'll be interested in hearing what you think of the new movie! I loved it, but then I've seen very little of the original series. My introduction to ST came with Next Generation and Captain Picard (to this day I remain an enormous fan of Patrick Stewart! loved him in the X-Men films as well).

You don't need to have seen the X-Men films to enjoy Wolvernine! In fact, I think you might enjoy Wolverine more if you see it first. This is because the X-Men films, although big-budget comic book movies, dig a bit deeper and if you just peel back the surface you can read all the discourse against discrimination etc. They can have a big impact on you. Whereas Wolverine is all pretty much on the surface, a grand old action film with a very cool character, beautiful landscapes and some damn fine actors.

As for Angels and Demons... weeeell... I'd go see just about anything else first!

If you want some more info, I wrote some pretty detailed posts on these:

Star Trek:


and Angels and Demons is in my monthly movie review (I put this together to remember all the movies I watch):

It's nice to meet another science fiction fan!
jiggins said…
I loved this movie so much. It was very 'space-cowboy' like the original series set out to be. Great story, original and interesting, and a great looking cast. I look forward to more in the series!

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